Bloque 2: Subir tu nivel de inglés

Behaviour phrasal verbs

Lección 20 Bloque 3


Los "phrasal verbs"... seguro que has oído hablar de ellos y es posible que no te gusten mucho, al igual que a la mayoría de los alumnos, ya que cada frase tiene diferentes significados. Basta con cambiar la preposición para obtener un significado completamente nuevo de la palabra. Por eso, puede parecer difícil recordarlos todos. Pero… hay que intentarlo. En esta unidad puedes empezar con los "phrasal verbs" más comunes y utilizados en el inglés hablado. Todos hablan de diferentes comportamientos de las personas.


La lista de los 20 phrasal verbs más útiles para el nivel B2:

1. To come across as (something)= parecer, aparentar.

Por ejemplo:

I probably come across as rather shy

(I, perhaps, seem to people quite shy)

2. To do away with = deshacerse de algo.

Por ejemplo:

Computerization has enabled us to do away with a lot of paperwork

(Computerization has allowed us to get rid of paperwork)

3. To fit in = ser socialmente compatible con otros miembros del grupo.

Por ejemplo:

It’s no surprise she’s leaving - she never really fitted in

(No wonder she's leaving. She was never compatible with our company)

4. To get into (something) = involucrarse en algo, interesarse.

Por ejemplo:

If I ever get into financial difficulties, I know I can always fall back on my brother for help 

(If I ever have financial difficulties, I know that I can always turn to my brother for help)

5. To kick in = actuar, tener lugar.

Por ejemplo:

It takes half an hour for the medication to kick in 

(The medicine will take effect in half an hour)

6. To feel up to (doing something) = sentir que eres lo suficientemente fuerte o saludable para hacer algo.

Por ejemplo:

She didn’t feel up to working in the garden

(She didn't feel strong enough to work in the garden)

7. To win (someone) over = ganar el apoyo de alguien; obtener la aprobación.

Por ejemplo:

He’s not sure about the idea, but I’m sure we’ll win him over in the end 

(He’s not sure about this idea, but I’m sure we’ll convince him eventually)

8. To stand down = retirarse o dimitir de su cargo.

Por ejemplo:

He's decided to stand down after 15 years as managing director

(After 15 years, he decided to resign the position of managing director)

9. To bring (something) in = introducir, incluir, introducir una nueva ley o producto.

Por ejemplo:

I would like the government to bring in more laws to protect the environment 

(I would like the government to introduce more laws to protect the environment)

10. To live up to (something) = ser tan bueno como lo que se esperaba o prometía.

Por ejemplo:

I expected the music to be wonderful, but it didn’t live up to my expectations

(I expected the music to be great, but it wasn’t as good as what I expected)

11. To make (something) of (someone / something) = pensar, comprender.

Por ejemplo:

Her behavior was so strange that I didn’t know what to make of her

(Her behavior was so strange that I didn't know what to think about her)

12. To fall back on (someone / something) = confiar en alguien/algo.

Por ejemplo:

I know I can always fall back on my parents if I'm ever in trouble 

(I know I can always rely on my parents if I ever get into trouble)

13.  To set out (to do something) = tener la intención de hacerlo; empezar a intentarlo, decidirlo.

Por ejemplo:

She set out to become the best tennis player in the world

(She decided to become the best tennis player in the world)

14. To catch on = para hacerse/ser popular.

Por ejemplo:

I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people?

(I wonder if this game will ever gain popularity among young people?)

15. Turn down (something) = negarse, decir no.

Por ejemplo:

You have already turned down three jobs this month

(This month you have already said no to three job offers)

16. Back down (over something) = admitir que te has equivocado o que has sido derrotado.

Por ejemplo:

Eventually, Roberto backed down and apologized

(In the end, Roberto admitted he was wrong and apologized)

17. Fall for (someone) = enamorarse.

Por ejemplo:

She fell for her skiing instructor

(She fell in love with her ski instructor)

18. Stand up to (someone) = resistir, enfrentarse.

Por ejemplo:

She stood up to her boss when he accused her of arriving late and leaving work early

(She confronted her boss when he accused her of arriving late and leaving work early)

19. Go through (something) = experimentar algo.

Por ejemplo:

It was a horrible and painful experience. I never want to go through anything like that again

(It was a terrible and painful experience. I never want to experience something like this again)

20. To run around = estar muy ocupado, ir de un lado a otro.

Por ejemplo:

I’m exhausted - I’ve been running around all morning

(I'm exhausted - I've been very busy all morning)

Todos estos verbos son de uso muy común y te recomiendo que lo practiques siempre que tengas ocasión. Puedes realizar las actividades que te dejo a continuación.


Para practicar el reading, mira los siguientes enlaces:

- The 5 worth things to say to someone who just went through a breakup 

- To fit in or stand out: 6 tips on making new friends 

Si quieres practicar el listening, mírate los siguientes videos:

- How to turn down a job offer gracefully

- Living up to expectations

Si lo que quieres es practicar el writing, te recomiendo que escribas una carta a un amigo contándole la peor situación por la que has pasado y le pidas consejo.  

Y para mejorar el speaking, practica contestando a las siguientes preguntas. Utiliza los phrasal verbs.

- Do you think people should live up to the expectations of others? Why/Why not?

- What do you think is the best way to do away with the bad habits?

- What got you into studying English?

- What are the best ways to win someone over?

- Do you think everyone should have savings to fall back on in case of a crisis?

¡Hasta la próxima lección!